Packing Instructions:
I am sorry your jewelry has broken. I have guaranteed my work for over 20 years! These days I have to pay someone to restring the pieces so if the item is older than a couple of years, I would appreciate the $10 to restring a 16 inch necklace or $20 for the Uber long ones. If it is a stretch bracelet, there is no charge. If it is bracelet on wire there is a $5 fee. If you are missing beads then there will be a charge to replace the beads. I can figure out cost once I have your item. Please tape the ends so no beads fall off. Please package your item in a padded envelope. Regular envelopes go through a machine which crushes the beads. Finally if you could include the $5 to ship the jewelry back I would really appreciate that. You can send cash, Venmo, a check or even stamps. My address is Riverstone 279 Kent Road Kent, CT 06757. Thanks!