My life is going through a metamorphosis at the moment. “A change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means” The name of this new necklace seemed fitting for all the crazy and wonderful changes that are going on in my life. The beads include turquoise, tanzanite, rainbow moonstone, tourmaline, ruby, smoky quartz, chocolate moonstone, phosphosiderite, amethyst, pyrite, turquoise wrapped in copper and a Tuareg brass bead. Total length is 16 inches with 2 inches of extender chain. It comes with a sterling silver clasp. If you prefer gold, add a message to the order.
The Metamorphosis Necklace
My life is going through a metamorphosis at the moment. “A change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means” The name of this new necklace seemed fitting for all the crazy and wonderful changes that are going on in my life. The beads include turquoise, tanzanite, rainbow moonstone, tourmaline, ruby, smoky quartz, chocolate moonstone, phosphosiderite, amethyst, pyrite, turquoise wrapped in copper and a Tuareg brass bead. Total length is 16 inches with 2 inches of extender chain. It comes with a sterling silver clasp. If you prefer gold, add a message to the order.